急性冠症候群、脳神経蘇生、妊産婦蘇生、作業部会からの論文(Systematic Review / Scoping Review)をご確認下さい

今回の日本蘇生協議会「JRC蘇生ガイドライン2020」では、国際蘇生連絡委員会ILCORの国際コンセンサスCoSTRが無い、急性冠症候群、脳神経蘇生、妊産婦蘇生、の3つの分野でもJRC独自の作業部会を編成して、GRADEシステムを用いてそれぞれのガイドライン作成しました。その中で、この3つの作業部会から、急性冠症候群から7編、脳神経蘇生から5編、妊産婦蘇生から3編、の論文がSystematic ReviewやScoping Reviewとして発表されました。ぜひご確認下さい。



Impact of Prehospital 12-Lead Electrocardiography and Destination Hospital Notification on Mortality in Patients With Chest Pain ― A Systematic Review ―.Nakashima T, Hashiba K, Kikuchi M, Yamaguchi J, Kojima S, Hanada H, Mano T, Yamamoto T, Tanaka A, Matsuo K, Nakayama N, Nomura O, Matoba T, Tahara Y, Nonogi H; Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee.Circ Rep. 2022;4:187-193. doi: 10.1253/circrep.CR-22-0003.

Prehospital Activation of the Catheterization Laboratory Among Patients With Suspected ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Outside of a Hospital ― Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ―.

Hashiba K, Nakashima T, Kikuchi M, Kojima S, Hanada H, Mano T, Yamamoto T, Tanaka A, Yamaguchi J, Matsuo K, Nakayama N, Nomura O, Matoba T, Tahara Y, Nonogi H, for the Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee.

Circ Rep. 2022:CR-22-0034. doi:10.1253/circrep.CR-22-0034.

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy to Identify ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction on Interpretations of Prehospital Electrocardiograms.

Tanaka A, Matsuo K, Kikuchi M, Kojima S, Hanada H, Mano T, Nakashima T, Hashiba K, Yamamoto T, Yamaguchi J, Nakayama N, Nomura O, Matoba T, Tahara Y, Nonogi H; Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee.

Circ Rep. 2022;4:289-297. doi: 10.1253/circrep.CR-22-0002.

Effects of Door-In to Door-Out Time on Mortality Among ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Transferred for Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention ― Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ―.

Yamaguchi J, Matoba T, Kikuchi M, Minami Y, Kojima S, Hanada H, Mano T, Nakashima T, Hashiba K, Yamamoto T, Tanaka A, Matsuo K, Nakayama N, Nomura O, Tahara Y, Nonogi H; Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on Behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee.

Circ Rep. 2022;4:109-115. doi: 10.1253/circrep.CR-21-0160.

Performance of the 0-Hour/1-Hour Algorithm for Diagnosing Myocardial Infarction in Patients With Chest Pain in the Emergency Department ― A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ―.

Nomura O, Hashiba K, Kikuchi M, Kojima S, Hanada H, Mano T, Yamamoto T, Nakashima T, Tanaka A, Nakayama N, Yamaguchi J, Matsuo K, Matoba T, Tahara Y, Nonogi H; Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee.

Circ Rep. 2022;4:241-247. doi: 10.1253/circrep.CR-22-0001.

Supplemental Oxygen and Acute Myocardial Infarction ― A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ―.

Kojima S, Yamamoto T, Kikuchi M, Hanada H, Mano T, Nakashima T, Hashiba K, Tanaka A, Yamaguchi J, Matsuo K, Nakayama N, Nomura O, Matoba T, Tahara Y, Nonogi H, for the Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee.

Circ Rep. 2022:CR-22-0031. doi:10.1253/circrep.CR-22-0031.

Prehospital Administration of Aspirin and Nitroglycerin for the Patients with Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome – A Systematic Review – .

Nakayama N, Yamamoto T, Kikuchi M, Hanada H, Mano T, Nakashima T, Hashiba K, Tanaka A, Matsuo K, Nomura O, Kojima S, Yamaguchi J, Matoba T, Tahara Y, Nonogi H, for the Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee.

Circ Rep. 2022: CR-22-0060. doi:10.1253/circrep.CR-22-0060


Efficacy and safety of tranexamic acid administration in traumatic brain injury patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Yokobori S, Yatabe T, Kondo Y, Kinoshita K; Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Neuroresuscitation Task Force and the Guidelines Editorial Committee.

J Intensive Care. 2020 Jul 3;8:46.

Head positioning in suspected patients with acute stroke from prehospital to emergency department settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Hifumi T, Yamakawa K, Shiba D, Okazaki T, Kobata H, Gotoh J, Unemoto K, Kondo Y, Yokobori S; Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Neuroresuscitation Task Force and the Guidelines Editorial Committee.

Acute Med Surg. 2021 Feb 9;8(1):e631.

Effects of hypertonic saline versus mannitol in patients with traumatic brain injury in prehospital, emergency department, and intensive care unit settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Miyoshi Y, Kondo Y, Suzuki H, Fukuda T, Yasuda H, Yokobori S; Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Neuroresuscitation Task Force and the Guidelines Editorial Committee.

J Intensive Care. 2020 Aug 12;8:61.

Comparison of diazepam and lorazepam for the emergency treatment of adult status epilepticus: a systemic review and meta-analysis.

Kobata H, Hifumi T, Hoshiyama E, Yamakawa K, Nakamura K, Soh M, Kondo Y, Yokobori S; Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Neuroresuscitation Task Force and the Guidelines Editorial Committee.

Acute Med Surg. 2020 Nov 4;7(1):e582.

Phenytoin versus other antiepileptic drugs as treatments for status epilepticus in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Hoshiyama E, Kumasawa J, Uchida M, Hifumi T, Moriya T, Ajimi Y, Miyake Y, Kondo Y, Yokobori S; Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Neuroresuscitation Task Force and the Guidelines Editorial Committee.

Acute Med Surg. 2022 Jan 7;9(1):e717.


Intravenous infusion route in maternal resuscitation: a scoping review.

Nakamura E, Takahashi S, Matsunaga S, Tanaka H, Furuta M, Sakurai A

BMC emergency medicine. 21: 151, 2021.

Effectiveness of calcium administration in maternal cardiac arrest associated with hypermagnesemia: A scoping review.

Nakao M, Takeda J, Tanaka H, Matsunaga S, Furuta M, Sakurai A and the Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Guideline Editorial Committee

Hypertens Res Pregnancy. DOI:10.14390/jsshp.HRP2021-016, 2022

Effect of Maternal Positioning During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analyses.

Enomoto N, Yamashita T, Furuta M, Tanaka H, Edmond Ng, Matsunaga S, Sakurai A

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-800653/v1, 2022
